Healing Services
By His own acts and afterward by the commands that He left His disciples, Christ showed us clearly that the preaching of the Gospel and the healing of the sick went together in the salvation that He came to bring. Both are given as evidence of His mission as the Messiah:
“The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk… and the poor have the gospel preached to them” (Matt. 11:5).
Once a month, usually on the last Sunday in the month at 6.30 (during the summer months), there is a Healing service, which gives an extra dimension to the peace and quite to the regular diet of worship. This is a said Communion service with the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. During the service those in need receive the placing of hands lightly upon your head and prays that the Holy Spirit will bring wholeness and health. Anointing the forehead and the palms of both hands with holy oil, invoking the Spirit of God to give forgiveness, healing and the fullness of life.