Our 10:15 am (St Ninians) & 12:00 pm (Auldearn) Family Worship is an hour service. Usually, the children join the congregation in the sanctuary for the first hymn and a children’s address, and then their programme continues in the Sunday School. We share prayers, one lectionary reading, Congregational singing is accompanied on the Organ. After the service, there is a time of fellowship with tea, coffee, and good things to eat served in the Hall.
Sunday Services
10.15 a.m. Every Sunday
Morning Service Fellowship - tea/coffee is served in the church hall after the morning service, all are welcome to come through to the hall.
(in St Ninian's Church)
12 Noon Every Sunday
(in Auldearn Church) Note: from December to March services are in the Lethan Road Hall
6.30 p.m. 1st Sunday of each month joint service with the other local denominations
(in the St Ninian's Hall)
6.30 p.m. Last Sunday of each month evening service
(in St Ninian's Church)
Sacrament of Holy Communion
We have a quarterly communion service which is held in March and June, Sept and November
Next Communion - 27th September : (within ordinary Sunday worship at both Nairn & Auldearn)
6:30 pm (Evening Service at St Ninians)